The rise of fast fashion and more recently ultra fast fashion has changed the landscape and it’s not for the better. It has promoted unsustainable and exploitative practices all in the name of low prices. 

A carousel of new designs land daily at staggeringly low prices which has garnered a devoted consumer base who now view clothing as a single use item.

The $5 tees that you snap up like there’s no tomorrow come at a devastating cost to our environment and human rights.

Fast Fashion has undoubtedly skewed our perception of affordability and has moved many people away from the mindset of consuming intentionally and with longevity.


What is Fast Fashion?

Fast fashion is the mass-production of cheap "on trend" clothing bought and cast aside in rapid succession as fashion trends change. This insatiable appetite for clothing has resulted in disastrous consequences for human rights, the environment and the degradation and exploitation of those most vulnerable in society. It has produced a race to the bottom in search for cheaper production of clothing.

The clothing is made from cheap materials and lacks quality. It is not uncommon for these garments to fall apart in a matter of months.  


You’ve all seen the unboxing TikToks where they show their latest clothing haul (all from fast fashion brands) and boast the low prices paid - and herein lies the problem.


The problem

This unfortunately has led to the skewed view of clothing affordability, believing that a $5 tee is the norm to be paid.

Fast fashion has also pushed the notion that clothing must be replaced weekly, paving the way for single-use clothing, leading to a massive problem of textile waste in landfills.

So therefore, with many teenagers and 20-something wanting to change clothing at such a rapid rate to keep up with the latest trends, anything costing more than $5 for a t-shirt is seen as expensive.

This false expectation does not take into consideration good quality materials, true craftsmanship and sustainable and ethical practices.  All these elements create a garment that will not only stand the test of time but deliver a lower environmental footprint that does not compromise the workers.


The true costs of a quality garment

When looking at the cost of clothing it is important to consider the reasons behind this pricing difference and the long-term benefits of investing in sustainable clothing.

One reason for the higher cost of sustainable and ethically made clothing is the production process. Sustainable clothing is often made from organic and natural materials, which are grown and harvested without the use of harmful chemicals. This process is more time-consuming and labor-intensive, which can increase the cost of production. Additionally, ethical production practices involve fair wages and safe working conditions for garment workers, which can add to the cost of the final product.


Another factor that contributes to the higher cost of sustainable clothing is the durability and quality of the product. Fast fashion brands prioritise mass production and low prices over quality, resulting in poorly made clothing that falls apart after a few wears. Workers are paid very low wages and forced to work long hours to keep up with demand. 


Sustainable and ethically made clothing, on the other hand, is designed to last longer, using higher quality materials and construction techniques. While this may result in a higher upfront cost, it can ultimately save money in the long run by reducing the need to constantly replace clothing.



Why it’s better for you to choose sustainable fashion


Sustainable Fashion

Investing in sustainable fashion, encourages a more thoughtful and intentional approach to fashion, where we choose items based on quality, durability, and personal style rather than fleeting trends.

Blindly following trends leads to the constant cycle of buying which can take its toll on your budget and your mental health by constantly feeling the need to conform and be accepted.

Finding out your own personal style will help you move away from this over consuming and draining cycle. 


You will always look better and feel better wearing clothing that suits your style and your body shape.


3 Options to begin your sustainable fashion journey

You don’t need to spend a lot of money to begin your sustainable fashion journey.

We need to start thinking differently about how we purchase and where we purchase. 


  • Thrift store shopping - offer a wide variety of clothing, shoes, bags and accessories at a fraction of the cost of new items. You will be amazed at what you’ll find and it’s a fun and exciting experience not knowing what could be on offer at the store.


  • Clothing swaps - if you count all the outfits and single pieces of clothing that you and your group of friends own, there is no need to ever go shopping again! This option of sharing and swapping with friends is a great way to re-use what you and your friends already have and it’s easy on the wallet. Have a swap clothes party and celebrate the occasion - the clothes that you are no longer fond of may find a new home.


  • Repair or up-cycle clothing - Learning basic sewing skills or taking garments to a tailor can help extend the life of clothing items, and up-cycling old garments into new styles or accessories can also be a creative and sustainable option.


Karuna Dawn sustainable bags

 We are proud to be the antithesis of fast fashion. We are a slow fashion brand who believe in ethical practices and supporting workers and artisans and encouraging true craftsmanship.


All of our products are vegan and cruelty free and every purchase supports and empowers women and those marginalised and vulnerable in society.


All of our bags are made from sustainable materials such as organic cotton, up-cycled denim and leather made from fallen leaves.