Mention the word sustainable or sustainability and it conjures up images of perfection and a lifestyle that costs a lot of money. In these economic times with the cost of living rising significantly, being sustainable can be a thought that’s the furthest from your mind.


What I don’t subscribe to


To me sustainability is a journey. It’s about the small steps that we can make to incorporate a more conscious lifestyle. It's a commitment to learning and growing, rather than striving for an unattainable state of perfection. The pursuit of perfection can often become a hindrance, paralysing us with the fear of not doing enough. In reality, every action, no matter how seemingly insignificant, contributes to the larger tapestry of change. It's through these continuous efforts, imperfect as they may be, that we can create meaningful and lasting impact.

As Anne Marie Bonneau famously said:

We don't need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly"


Conscious choices = Expensive

Sustainability doesn't have to come with a hefty price tag. This common misconception often stops people from embracing eco-friendly practices. In reality, many sustainable choices can actually lead to cost savings in the long run. Whether it's reducing energy consumption, embracing thrifted fashion, or adopting a plant-based diet, these choices not only lessen your environmental impact but also keep more money in your pocket. By making mindful decisions and seeking out budget-friendly alternatives, you can align your values with your financial goals while contributing positively to the planet.


So, What does Sustainability Mean?

At its core, sustainability is about finding a balance between meeting our present needs while ensuring that future generations can meet theirs as well. It encompasses a wide range of practices that aim to reduce our ecological footprint, conserve resources, and promote a harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature. Being sustainable involves making conscious choices that minimise waste, reduce pollution, and support the health of ecosystems.


Small Changes, Big Impact

Embracing sustainability doesn't have to involve grand gestures or hefty investments. In fact, many impactful changes can be made without spending any money at all. Here are some simple yet effective ways to incorporate sustainability into your lifestyle:

1.     Conserve Energy - Save electricity by turning off lights when not needed, unplugging chargers, and using energy-efficient appliances. During cooler months, layer up and keep your thermostat a bit lower, embracing the coziness of sweaters and blankets.  Why not ditch the dryer and hang out the clothes in the sunshine or on a clothes horse during the winter months

2.     Save Water - Take shorter showers. Yes, I was guilty of hot, steamy showers. It was my guilty pleasure until I understood how much water I was wasting.  It's staggering to think we use approximately 200 litres of water in a 10 minute shower!  I have an Alexa in my bathroom and I set a timer for 7 minutes. Sometimes I even finish my shower before the timer goes off!

3.     Invest in a re-usable coffee cup - Australians throw out 2.7 million single-use coffee cups EVERY DAY!!! That's 1 billion coffee cups ending up in landfill.  It's costs very little to purchase a re-usable coffee cup and they can be found everywhere, so honestly, there's no excuse.

4.    Mend/Repair/Re-use - We need to stop thinking of fashion as disposable. It's not despite what Fast Fashion promotes. Extending the life of a garment by 9 months and actively wearing that garment can reduce the carbon, water and waste footprint by 20-30%. The use-time of clothes can be extended by different means, including swapping, repairing or better caring for garments.

5.    Buy ugly fruit & veg - Unfortunately there's a lot of fruit & veg that ends up in landfills simply because it's not "pretty" and won't be accepted by supermarkets. I know Coles and Woolies have "imperfect" fruit and veg sold and this should be where you first look to buy. It not only saves you money but it sends a clear message to supermarkets that looks don't matter!


Embracing sustainability doesn't have to be a financial burden. By making simple, mindful choices, you can significantly reduce your impact on the environment while also benefiting your wallet. Remember, sustainability is about progress, not perfection. Each small step you take contributes to a larger movement towards a greener, more sustainable world. So, whether you're turning off lights when you leave a room or exploring the world of mending and repairing, your efforts matter and can inspire positive change in your life and beyond.


Learn more about our Up-Cycled range of Denim Bags stopping garments going to landfill.